Feeding the bees! 3 part Video

I took a weeks worth of feedings and made 1 video out of it! Go check it out! https://youtu.be/Df0AfjHQYYk

We have been very busy this week! Our trailer came for the watering tank so we got that all set up… still needs a little work and some modifications but it does the job right now! We went and picked up a bunch of raspberry plants from a friend and got those planted! Can’t wait to have fresh raspberries again!

what else….

Oh we went and picked up the new farm truck! Its a nice little 2003 Chevy Silverado. Needs a little work and tuning up but for a 2003 it is in great shape and will work perfectly for getting me around the land, now matt can have his truck back!

Plus all the general watering, bee tending and yard care that we do everyday! Things are starting to fall into a pretty good routine! No craft shows this week! Next weekend we will be in Saint Louis Park and we have a few things to do to get ready for that show, so should be another busy week! Stay tuned for mor Adventures with the McLaughlins!

Follow us on Social Media to stay caught up with all the things!
Facebook: Black Walnut Ranch

Insta: BlackWalnutRanchMN

YouTube: BlackWalnutRanch


YouTube chaos!


Busy as Bees!